Settlement Over Hypnotist Principal Provoking Three Student Deaths

There was a $600,000 settlement on October 6 for the families of three students who died several days after being hypnotized by their principal. This amount is the maximum amount any Florida government agency can pay without special approval from the state legislature and governor. This case started back in 2011 when the high school principal, George Kenney, admitted to hypnotizing 16 year old Wesley McKinley a day before he committed suicide in April 2011.
George Kenney

Another investigation found that Kenney had hypnotized as many as 75 student, staff, and others since 2006. One basketball player said that he had been hypnotized more than 30 times to improve his concentration. A couple other students who were hypnotized included 17 year old Brittany Palumbo and 16 year old Marcus Freeman. Palumbo committed suicide in 2011. Freeman died in a car crash after attempting to self-hypnotize.

The attorney for the families, Damian Mallard, said that they did not sue for the money, but to ensure that this does not happen again. She said, "He altered the underdeveloped brains of teenagers, and they all ended up dead because of it."

Kenney was put on administrative leave in May 2011, and he resigned in June 2012. He was charged with two misdemeanors for practicing therapeutic hypnosis without a license. Kenney entered a plea of no contest as part of a deal, so he only had to serve one year of probation that required that he didn't practice unlicensed hypnosis. He gave up his teaching license under pressure of the Florida Department of Education, and he is not allowed to reapply for another. Now he is operating a bed and breakfast and creating stained glass in North Carolina.

Comments from Allen:

Under Florida law, the victims were not entitled to sue the principal himself, only the school district.  In addition, under Florida law, the maximum compensation for a victim of school employee conduct is $200,000.  Therefore, Florida paid out the maximum possible amount in this case.

Questions have been raised as to whether hypnosis actually caused these deaths.  I believe the strongest case of the three is the young man who was taught by Mr. Kenney how to hypnotize himself, and did so while driving a car.  The other two may have been suicidal prior to any involvement of Mr. Kenney.

All that is known is that the plaintiffs could not have achieved a greater recovery had they gone to trial, and the state could not have suffered a greater loss had it gone to trial.

My take is that all sides agreed the conduct by the principal was inexcusable, and in the interests of justice, the victims should be fairly compensated.


Allen Browning is an attorney in Idaho Falls, Idaho who handles personal injury and criminal defense. He has over 30 years of experience and handled thousands of cases. Allen handles cases from all over Idaho. Call (208) 542-2700 to set up a free consultation if you are facing legal trouble or you have been involved in an accident.

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Allen Browning can help with all personal injury claims including motor vehicle accidents,truck accidents, auto accidents, serious and disabling accidents, and wrongful death claims.

Allen Browning is an Idaho Falls attorney who can also help with drunk driving (DUI), traffic violations, Felony, Misdemeanor, Domestic Violence, Drug Crimes, Theft, Juvenile Crimes, battery and assault charges, Violent Crimes, and Probation/Parole Violations. He is one of the most experienced and successful criminal defense attorneys in Idaho.

Allen is able to provide his services if the incident occurs in the following Idaho Areas: American Falls, Arco, Blackfoot, Boise, Burley, Driggs, Idaho Falls, Malad City, Pocatello, Rexburg, Rigby, Salmon, St. Anthony, Twin Falls, Bannock County, Bingham County, Bonneville County, Butte County, Cassia County, Clark County, Fremont County, Jefferson County, Lemhi County, Madison County, Oneida County, Power County, Teton County, and Twin Falls County.    
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