10 Best Attorneys

Wow, what an honor!  I have been informed that I have been selected as being a member of one of the "Ten Best Law Firms in Idaho."

I need only pay $295.00 and I get a nifty plaque just like the one pictured above, so I can put it up in my office for all of my clients to see.

I actually get notifications like this about 4-5 times per year.  I am always suspect when I get one of these letters soliciting money for a nifty plaque.  One company selling plaques like this had a listing of those participating, and I believe it was about 4,500 attorneys, each one sporting a plaque proclaiming his firm as a "Top 10" something-or-other.

I checked the website for the company whose plaque is pictured above, to find the names of those 10 attorneys who were so very good in Idaho in 2016.  There were no names of any selected, but the website did say that two attorneys were being considered.   In other words, as we approach the end of 2017, this group has not yet decided who their "Top 10" were one year ago.  So I checked the website of this company to find out who the other nine were that were joining me in the "Top 10" listing for this year.  The website said that no selections had as yet been made, but nominations were being considered.

Obviously that statement was in error because their committee selected me, right?  Perhaps this means that my selection in the top 10 was obvious, but the committee is having some difficulty figuring out who the other nine should be.  That must be it.

I then checked for 2015.  No names selected, but there were two attorneys named who were being considered for the honor.  Seems this committee is rather slow in making decisions.

I then checked for 2014.  One name was listed, some guy in Coeur d'Alene, a guy whose name I had never heard.  I guess he was the guy who paid $295 to that company for a plaque in 2014.  That being true, this fellow's plaque should read "#1 BEST ATTORNEY IN IDAHO," as there are no others in the top 10 for 2014.

The lesson for all of you:  there are many companies out there selling plaques proclaiming wondrous powers possessed by the law firm sporting such a plaque.  Be cautious, and do not make your decisions based on a plaque on the wall.


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